Most used mail transfer agents MTAĪuthentication mechanisms besides SMTP AuthenticationĬyrus SASL authentication methods (except for APOP) You can use them to set up email throttling and routing rules, monitor the flow of outgoing mail, and much more. For this, an MTA arranges multiple queues and makes multiple attempts to deliver an email when it has been bounced.īesides the aforementioned features, MTAs allow you to do much more. It is a filter that a legitimate sender can get through much easier than the blacklist. Greylisting is a sort of preventive measure used by some email providers. Getting on a blacklist is a common issue with the sender’s reputation. This will help you protect the reputation of your domain and IP. The sending will keep going at slower rates after a back-off period. So, in the case of rejection from the receiving domain, the mail transfer agent will pause the email queue. To avoid this, you can configure your MTA to dynamically limit sending. If they are exceeded, the sending mail server may be identified as untrustworthy. Configure mail sending flowsĮach receiving domain sets its limits on incoming mail. You can route emails to cold IPs with very low limits, and the MTA is needed to match those limits. Using cold IP addresses could also be an option.
An MTA will let you do this and later slowly increase sending capacity.
It has no email sending history and thus needs some warming up.
If you’re building your reputation from scratch, you should not use your virgin IP address at full load. Let’s check out what exactly mail transfer agents can do for building your sending credibility. That’s why they directly impact email deliverability. MTAs can protect and strengthen the reputation of the sender. When receiving mail servers identify the sender as untrustworthy, all emails from it will end up in the spam folder, or even bounced back. The reputation of the domain and IP address the email is sent from is the most important thing. There are three major factors that email deliverability is based on: For more about email queuing, read our blog post. If the mail fails to be delivered during the established term, it will be returned to the mail client. An MTA will recurrently try to send emails. This means that outgoing mail is put into a queue and waits for the recipient’s server response. Usually, MTAs use a store-and-forward model of mail handling.
A mail/message transfer agent (MTA) is a software that transfers emails between the computers of a sender and a recipient.